I have not been keeping up on this blog. I have had nothing interesting to say as of late. I also realize that this blog does not have the following that my previous blogs have had. I'm okay with that. It makes me feel less guilty when I live life rather than record it. I do however feel that I should update now and then, even when nothing is stirring in me.
I will be teaching VBS starting on Sunday. I do not believe everything I am going to be teaching these kids. I am not, in my opinion, a good person to be teaching VBS to anyone, but the pastor of the church needs somebody to entertain the 4 year olds and she thought of me. I am a teacher of children, after all. I am creative. I am able to teach with excitement of the material, and when I am not able to do that, I can fall back on a little acting. I do not understand why the church continues to purchase curriculum for VBS. If they are Christians, then shouldn't the Bible be their curriculum? They spend big money every year, though to entertain kids while teaching them a parable or two. I don't need a curriculum. I could have used a budget for craft materials, which I had to pay for myself.
We had a new roof put on our house. It was loud, but the kids managed to sleep through the removal of the old shingles. How do they do that? It looks nice. Vents were added to the back of the roof which should help extend the life of the shingles.
We are taking part in the public library's summer reading program. I have watched over the years as this program gets smaller and smaller. It makes me sad.
My garden is thriving with all of the rain that we have had this year. The weeds are also thriving. I work in my garden 2 to 3 times a week to pull weeds and tie up tomato plants. I really wish that I was able to have my garden at home. Driving across town to garden kind of kills my reasons for gardening.
So that's about it. I really didn't have anything to say, no real opinions to put out there. The world is full of opinions and people to share them. I'm sure if you've found yourself here, at my humble blog, and are disappointed that I haven't presented you with a wonderfully intense session of debate of politics, religion, and such, you will be able to survive. You will be able to go on and with the click of a mouse find exactly what you are looking for. Aren't computers great? Or are they? Debate that omoungst yourselves while I turn off my computer, get out my sewing machine, bake a cake, play a game with my kids, and live a little.